How to create balance in the workforce for MAXimum productivity.

What is balance?

Hi there,👋🏽. Luis Claudio here.

You recently signed up for my free newsletter, The Monday Solopreneur. Thanks again for doing that.

I want to share some insight and tips on creating a work-life balance for maximum productivity.

Balance: To create balance, there needs to be a counterbalance system in place. Without a proven method, everything seems out of control, specifically out of BALANCE. Drawing ideas on a whiteboard is highly beneficial to spark creativity, enabling the 🧠 to solve problems effortlessly.

Over my 25-year career, I’ve learned having a mentor, especially in business, is essential to growth. Matt Higgins has become that mentor for me. His book Burn The Boats is a timeless blueprint and a must-have for all entrepreneurs and small business owners. Simply getting access to him was not an easy thing to do. Click on the image below for more details. 👇🏾

Warren Buffet teaches, “If you are the smartest person in the room, you must find a new room.” Learn from leaders who have mastered the art of business development. The day we STOP learning is the day we start dying.

Remember, friends, ‘‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You don’t have to be GREAT to start, but you do have to start to be GREAT.

 Follow me here 👇🏾 for free tips, books, and Audiobooks.

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I hope these tips, guides, and recommendations are helpful in your journey to building and creating the life you are capable of.

Thanks again for joining my weekly newsletter, and I'll see you on Monday mornings.

